Friday, January 9, 2009

Braces x 2

Well, we now have two with braces... And next month, Ian has an appointment to see if it's time to start Phase 2 of his orthodontia work. I'm imagining the following conversation with a friend, coworker, whoever...

other person: "So when do you and Chad leave for Mexico?"
me: "We're not going this year."
other person: "Oh, are you going somewhere else?"
me: "No, 3/4 of our children got braces in the last six months..."
other person: " the ORTHODONTIST will be going on vacation..."

Enjoy a vacation on us, Dr. least have a slushy drink and think of me... (sigh)


Meg said...

If it's any comfort, I'm sure Hoagburg smiles when he thinks of your kids.

Ellen said...

Boo on orthodontia! Although I do have to say, those two look adorable. . .