Monday, March 23, 2009

Slumber party!!

I love my kids, but boy, do I hate slumber parties!! Samantha had fun but this was one of the most stressful for me. I had to call a mom because her daughter was having some sort of asthma attack due to the cat, and I had to call another mom in the middle of the night because her daughter was homesick and wanted to go home. THANK GOD IT'S OVER...


This year in baton, Samantha's group competes against other baton groups in the area, and she just had her first competition. They got a "1" which is the best possible score, and she got a medal! She LOVES her medal!!!!

the FAME Festival

This year at the FAME Festival, Ian's 6th grade band played, and he also had artwork there. Enjoy these pictures because you have no idea how much torture I put him through taking them! (The boy "drumming" next to Ian is his best buddy, Kent.)

3rd grade spring program

Well, this is all the video/photos I was able to take at Samantha's program due to the fact that we were crammed together like sardines and it was approximately 97 degrees in the gym. She was as cute as ever, though! And by the way, this was also the song all of us sang when the program was over...

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I could have titled this post several different things:
-A peek into my EduCare life
-What we do at EduCare when the kids are gone
-My EduCare family
None of them seemed right so I will just call it "EduCare"! These photos are among some taken for a scrapbook for my boss who is leaving in a few weeks for another job. I've worked with her since I started at EduCare 14 years ago and she's been my boss for 13 of those. She's also the one who introduced me to Chad, and before that, helped me tremendously as I went through my divorce. Her leaving will definitely leave a big hole in my life and the lives of everyone working at EduCare.

New Glasses

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Breaking news here in the Bloom/Summers house. Tomorrow after school, Ian will be attending his first DANCE!!! Yes, you read that right...a DANCE! The sixth grade is holding their first dance of the year (after school till 4:30...for some reason that part really cracks me up!) and Ian has decided, after much thought, that he wants to go. I'm guessing it's because some of his friends are going and not because of any girl, but still...a DANCE! I just can't believe it!