Wednesday, April 29, 2009

the highlight of Samantha's week

The principal at Samantha's school, Mr. Bakle, announced that he would eat one worm for each grade level that had every student complete a young author's book...four grade levels, four worms... Well, guess what? Every child in the entire school did a book and so yes, Mr. Bakle ate four worms! The first was a gummi worm but the other three were real alive earthworms! Samantha telling me about it: "Well, first of all, he had a puke bucket beside him in case he threw up and also some pink medicine [pepto]. After he ate the gummi worm, he fried the worm in some fish stuff [batter?]and ate it, then did the other two. It was so gross, Mom, I threw up a little in my mouth and then had to swallow it because I didn't have a puke bucket!" I think the highlight of MY week was her telling me about it!


Meg said...

What a hoot! The things those principals will do to promote the flashier sorts of achievement!

Sam B. said...

That's fantastic... I'm going to have to share that with Mr. B-Kaylor!

Stu said...

One more reason I never considered going into administration...